Please see below – just in from Koretz’s Office:
“The Resurfacing Division has postponed resurfacing of Mulholland Drive from Nicada Drive to Beverly Glen until next Saturday June 3rd, 2017.
There was a permit pulled out 4 days ago that we just found out about an hour ago to have LADWP come in to connect water to a property. LADWP is coming in tomorrow at our request to connect the property so that the road can be repaved next week. LADWP will have flagmen out on site tomorrow with a one lane closure. Traffic will also be routed to Nicada Drive and Beverly Glen. The working hours for LADWP is 8:00am – 4:00pm.
Message boards will be updated for the postponement of the repaving this weekend.”
The Resurfacing Division has scheduled resurfacing of Mulholland Drive from Nicada Drive to Beverly Glen this upcoming Saturday May 27, 2017. The Department will be profiling and repaving the segment on the same day (Saturday).
Traffic will be routed to Nicada Drive for those headed east bound and Beverly Glen for those headed west bound (please see attached map). Message boards are being placed on Mulholland Drive advising drivers of this planned work. As always, any emergency response vehicles will be given full access to their destination. With high expectations the Department expects to complete this project on one day.
Media AdvisoryMulholland052717
Mulholland Drive from Nicada Drive to Beverly Glen on Saturday May 27th
The Resurfacing Division has scheduled resurfacing for Mulholland Drive from Nicada Drive to Beverly Glen on Saturday May 27, 2017. The Department will be profiling and repaving the segment on the same day (Saturday).
Traffic will be routed to Nicada Drive for those headed east bound and Beverly Glen for those headed west bound. Message boards will be placed at the top of Mulholland Drive on Monday May 20th advising drivers of this planned work. As always, any emergency response vehicles will be given full access to their destination. With high expectations the Department expects to complete this project on one day.
Posted by Social | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 10-05-2017
The Beverly Glen Fair is coming soon! Barbecued burgers, eclectic entertainment curated by Chris Holabird, activities for the kids and lots of delicious food prepared by your neighbors.
The Fair is even more fun when you’re part of making it happen! If you can volunteer to bring food, help with setup or clean up, or staff one of the activities during the Fair, we welcome your help. Please contact or call Renee Ordeneaux at 310-383-3560 to let us know how you’d like to participate.
Posted by VP | Posted in Board Meetings, ROBG Board | Posted on 08-05-2017
Please come out and join the Residents of Beverly Glen Board of Directors meeting tonight at the LDRCC at 7:30 p.m. Tonight’s agenda can be accessed here: ROBG-Agenda 05082017
Meetings are on the second Monday of every month and are open to all residents. Come out and hear about happenings in the Glen, and how you can get involved.
10409 Scenario Lane
Los Angeles, CA 90077
Posted by Beverly Glen Playgroup | Posted in Playgroup | Posted on 01-05-2017
Beverly Glen Playgroup’s Annual Yard Sale
This Saturday, May 6th from 8am to 2pm! We’ll have tons of toys, clothing, electronics and housewares. Please come out and find some hidden treasure and support Playgroup!
If you would like to donate items to the Yard Sale, we will be accepting items during the following times:
Thursday, May 4th from 5PM to 9PM
Friday, May 5th from 9AM to Noon
We kindly request that all donated items are in working order.
Thank you in advance for your support and help!
*Beverly Glen Playgroup is a 501(c)3 organization that has been serving the families of our community for over 60 year. All proceeds will go directly to the school. For more information on Playgroup, please click here.