New Los Angeles Department of City Planning (LADCP) General Manager


Posted by VP | Posted in Community Messages, Zoning & Development | Posted on 09-11-2016

Please join Councilmember Koretz again as the Los Angeles Department of City Planning (LADCP) welcomes its new General Manager, Vince Bertoni. The event will be in Encino and it’s a great time for you to meet him to discuss his department’s initiatives. This is open to the public.

Parking is available on the parking lot next to the community center which is within walking distance. Index cards will be available before the meeting starts to fill out for questions.

Please RSVP to Councilmember Koretz’s Chief of Staff, Joan Pelico, at See attached flyer for more information.

Flyer – Councilmember Koretz and Director of City Planning 11.30.16


Hearing Notice – 1950 Avenue of the Stars


Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Hearings, Neighborhood Council, Traffic, Zoning & Development | Posted on 14-11-2013

Note there is a hearing scheduled to hear a 1.2M SF project to be built at 1950 Avenue of the Stars in Century City.  Originally RoBG had no major issue as it was a for sale residential project, now it contemplates that 700,000 SF be office and you know that means more Glen traffic.

Sorry for late notice (we are volunteers after all) but if you can email the City or call if you have similar concerns, helps drive our concern home.

Emails: – Councilman Planning Deputy – Planner

If interested in attending:

Date: Friday, November 15, 2013
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: West LA Municipal Building
2nd Floor Hearing Room (Room 200)
1645 Corinth Avenue
West Los Angeles

Can download hearing notice below:

Hearing Notice Century City Center

Meeting Regarding Charlie’s Pantry CUP


Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Zoning & Development | Posted on 08-07-2013

As some of you may have received notice, Charlie’s Pantry at the Glen Centre has applied for a CUP to serve beer and wine between 8:00am and 11:00pm, daily for both on-site and off-site sales.

For those interested, please attend tonight’s informal meeting with the applicant to learn more or ask questions:

Time: 6:30pm

Location: 10409 Scenario Lane (Les & Dorothy River Community Center)

If you cannot attend, feel free email questions to and we will pass along your information.

UPDATED: Tree Trimming on Beverly Glen Begins This Week


Posted by Traffic | Posted in Community Messages, Emergency Preparedness, Traffic, Uncategorized, Zoning & Development | Posted on 13-04-2012


Most of the information below is accurate.  Trimming should begin on Thursday, 4/19.  Please abide by the No Parking signs or your car may be towed.

The Los Angeles Fire Department has hired a contractor to trim trees along Beverly Glen.  The scheduled times and a description follows.

Your Traffic Committee Chair has discussed the impact on traffic and LAFD will be asking the contractor to do work on weekends on our side whenever possible, and not to set up in the morning until after 10 am, to avoid disrupting the morning commute.  We believe they will make best efforts to keep traffic flowing when at all possible.

Trimming will be on the weekends starting at Valley Vista on 4/14 and moving up the hill and on week days starting at Parkwood/De Neve Park on 4/16 and moving up the hill.  The Sherman Oaks trimming will be four successive weekends, and Beverly Glen four successive weeks, ending around May 15 (see note above about our having requested weekend trimming if possible).The contractor will keep two lanes of traffic moving whenever possible, but these lanes will be narrowed and the speeds greatly reduced.  When needed, they will stop traffic entirely for up to 3 minutes at a time.  No parking notices will be posted along sections of street before the crews come and although it is a last resort, vehicles will be towed to gain access to trees or to avoid damage to them during trimming.  Morning trimming will be on the east side of the boulevard starting with equipment set-up at 7:00 10:00 am 7:00 am, then switching to the west side.  Work will be done by 2:30 pm each day.  Signs will be placed at Sunset and Mulholland for the duration of the project advising that traffic will be delayed.

The planned segments for work (approx 2 days each) are as follows:

1. Parkwood to Greendale
2. Greendale to Hollybrush
3. Hollybrush to Fernbush
4. Fernbush to Crater
5. Crater to Caribou
6. Caribou to Seabury
7. Seabury to Ravenwood
8. Ravenwood to Nicada
9. Nicada to Beverly Glen Circle
10. Beverly Glen Circle to Mulholland
11. Sunset to Parkwood (fit in as traffic allows)

The trimming will be raising canopy up to 14 feet and in some places bringing the canopy back in places.  There will be lots of raising of small branches and removal of dead wood.  There will also be trimming back of hedges and other thick vegetation that extends into the roadway (e.g., ficus hedges, bamboo, etc.).  The Fire Department has made every effort to accommodate protected tree species (e.g., oaks and sycamores) while cleaning up hazardous situations such as dead wood and peeling bark on eucalyptus trees.  Volunteers from Residents of Beverly Glen have been working very closely with the Brush Clearance Unit to protect our beautiful tree canopy where possible.

For more information about the project, please contact the LAFD Brush Clearance Unit: John Novela, 818-778-4927.

Water Main Break at Corfu Lane


Posted by Traffic | Posted in Community Messages, Emergency Preparedness, Notices, Playgroup, President's Message, Traffic | Posted on 17-02-2012

There’s been a water main break at No. Beverly Glen & Corfu Lane.

DWP is already working on this and Councilman Koretz’s office knows about it.  Do not drive south on the Glen if you can avoid it (if you are north of Corfu) and the same goes for North, if you live south of Corfu).  We will do our best to keep you updated on this problem.

405 Improvements Power Point Document


Posted by Traffic | Posted in Community Messages, Hillside Federation, Neighborhood Council, Traffic, Zoning & Development | Posted on 12-09-2011

Hello Neighbors!

I have received a very large power point presentation from Metro that updates the community on the improvements to the 405.  It’s 62 pages total and I was not able to post the whole thing here.  If you are interested in the whole document (10 MB), please e-mail and I’ll send it to you.

The improvements to the Sunset Bridge, including information about the closure of Sunset Blvd. are included in the three segments attached below.

If you have any questions, you can contact Metro’s community relations person for this segment, Olga Arroyo – her e-mail is (not a typo, there are 2 o’s at the end of her e-mail address).

Here’s the Sunset Bridge portion of the presentation – I had to break it down into three segments to get it posted here.  Closure information (between Sept. 30 and October 15) is listed in the final document (“sunset c”).

sunset a

sunset b

sunset c


Baseline Hillside Ordinance Update


Posted by Hillside Federation | Posted in Hillside Federation, Zoning & Development | Posted on 04-03-2011

The City Attorney’s Office has completed their draft of the Baseline Hillside Ordinance (BHO). The BHO was heard by the City Council today and received 10 Yes votes and 0 No votes. The BHO is an significant amendment to the Los Angeles Municipal Code that deals with single-family residential zoned lots in hillside areas. The Ordinance will go back to the City Council one more time for a “Second Reading” next Friday, March 18, 2011. It will only need 8 votes to be officially adopted.

To learn more about how this regulation affects the Beverly Glen community and its next steps please visit:

Mariel Lane Projects (off Calgary & Crysanthemum)


Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Neighborhood Council, Zoning & Development | Posted on 03-03-2011

Residents and Beverly Glen, Inc., in cooperation with the applicant, is hosting a meeting to allow residents that may be affected by this proposed two (2) home single family development to learn and ask questions.

When: Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time: 7:30pm

Where: Les and Dorothy River Community Center
10409 Scenario Lane
Los Angeles, CA 90077

Application Materials:ZA 2010 3363 ZAA Application


 ZA 2010 3363 Site Plan

ZA 2010 3363 Application Package

My location
Get Directions

Want to be part of the City Planning Department Change?


Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Hearings, Neighborhood Council | Posted on 01-02-2011

The City is undertaking a change of its Development Review Process in an effort to reduce processing times, increase transparency and make the process easier.  In this effort, they have organized forums to allow residents to provide their input.  All four forums are the same so pick any of the four but pick one, the change will be dramatic and likely easier for developers unless we provide our input on what is important to us.

Information about the forums and the notice can be found by downloading City Review Process Forums notice.

Planned Projects in the Glen


Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Neighborhood Council, Zoning & Development | Posted on 26-01-2011

For those concerned, the following are applications submitted to the City that will be discussed at tonight’s Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council (BABCNC) Planning and Land Use Committee Meeting:

  • Where: Community Magnet School, 11301 Bellagio Road, Los Angeles, CA 90077
  • When: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 6:00- 7:00 p.m.


  • 10291- 12097 Mariel Lane – construction of (2) new SFD on contiguous lots fronting on an approved private street off Chrystanthemum,
  • 1756/1774 Beverly Glen – Lot line adjustment – Parcel A – vacant; parcel B SFR -total sq ft – 17,310,
  • 2191 & 2193 N. Beverly Glen Place – for a wall extension

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the above, please attend tonight’s meeting so that the Committee can take those into consideration.  Please note that the BABCNC is a City sanctioned advisory only council, all decisions are made by the appropriate City agency.

If you have any questions, please email