Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Neighborhood Council | Posted on 20-02-2011
Budget Hearings are coming up in March and Councilmember Paul Koretz is hosting a Budget and Ballot Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, February 24 from 7:00pm – 8:30pm.
The event will be held at the John Thomas Dye School located at 11414 Chalon Road. There will be an opportunity for community members to ask questions, share views, hear from the Councilmember and gain key information about ballot measures and budgetary decisions capable of having a major impact on our City.
For more information, please contact the Councilman’s office or visit at
Posted by Corporate Sponsorship | Posted in Corporate Sponsorship | Posted on 15-02-2011
Residents of Beverly Glen, Inc. is pleased to announce that our very own Mulholland Grill is our newest corporate sponsor under the SILVER sponsorship program.
Located at the Beverly Glen Center (“Top of the Glen”), Mulholland Grill has been serving lunch and dinner since 1997 to our community. With an impressive wine list, they offer a taste of Tuscany here in the Glen.
Support your local business and stop by Mulholland Grill!
For more information, visit or you can download their take-out/delivery menu by clicking here: Mulholland Grill Menu.

Posted by Social | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 07-02-2011
Somewhat belated but nevertheless heartfelt report with Thank-Yous on the wonderful GLEN Holiday Party!
We are such a terrific community! People had a marvelous time at the Glen Holiday Party – chatting, laughing, catching up on Glen News, eating and drinking deliciously! It was such a fun event! Young Jadon and Gia Gershon entertained everybody musically and organized exciting games for the youth to play in the yard, while the tiny tots enjoyed the art projects Jim Earnhardt had provided.
And the adults were treated to super scrumptious food! Pat and Ned Wright as well as Diana La Fleur and Lee Weidman, Elaine and Bob Grunauer, and Hildreth Simmons had slaved over hot stoves to make delicious entrees. Many generous Glenites contributed other delicacies, cookies and cakes. To top it off, the neighbors were treated to some very special wines by Steven Foonberg of Beverly Glen Realty, charmingly served by Sharalee Flesche and Michelle Vannoy. Non alcoholic beverages were provided by our much appreciated neighborhood Glen Market!
Elke Heitmeyer, who had organized the event, led young and old in a rousing rendition of Jingle Bells.
Special thanks go to the indomitable clean up crew, led by Tensie and Dan Palmer, and Karen Simonson.
It really was a grand party!
Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Neighborhood Council | Posted on 01-02-2011
Ever wondered who to call in West LAPD? Here is the contact sheet from our Senior Lead Officer Chris Ragsdale who presented them at the last BABCNC meeting:
West LAPD Five Points of Contact
Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Hearings, Neighborhood Council | Posted on 01-02-2011
The City is undertaking a change of its Development Review Process in an effort to reduce processing times, increase transparency and make the process easier. In this effort, they have organized forums to allow residents to provide their input. All four forums are the same so pick any of the four but pick one, the change will be dramatic and likely easier for developers unless we provide our input on what is important to us.
Information about the forums and the notice can be found by downloading City Review Process Forums notice.