Hi neighbors!
I monitored a live web-chat today hosted by Metro. There were two gentlemen answering questions:
Doug Failing, Metro’s Executive Director of Highway Projects (who previously worked for CalTrans for 29 years)
Krishniah Murthy, Executive Director of Transit Project Delivery for Metro (he oversees all of Metro’s construction projects)
The transcript of the web-chat is attached here; you would read from the bottom up if you want to see the questions in the chronological order in which they were asked.
I have bolded the questions to make it easier to read. I have also turned my own question about the canyons and another question from a Roscomare resident red.
Please refer to the post below for more details about the closure, which will begin on Friday, July 15th and end on Monday, July 18th.
Evelyn Alexander
Traffic Committee Chair
Metro 405 Live Chat 6-29-11
Hello Neighbors!
If you don’t already know it, the 405 freeway will be closed the weekend of July 15 through July 18, from the 101 freeway to the 10 freeway. Metro will be demolishing the Mulholland Bridge that weekend (which will of course also be closed!) in the process of improving the 405 freeway. You can find more information here: http://www.metro.net/projects/I-405/.
Councilmember Paul Koretz and Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky have encouraged people to avoid the area or stay home that weekend. Unfortunately for us, we are a thoroughfare that many will use as an alternate when the freeway is closed. This means that we will be experiencing higher than normal traffic through Beverly Glen that weekend. Councilmember Koretz assures us that measures have been taken to ensure that public safety services to canyon residents will not be impacted. You can read an article about LAFD and LAPD’s planning for this weekend here: http://shermanoaks.patch.com/articles/public-safety-will-be-the-priority-during-405-closure-officials-say-2#comments.
You can also call Councilman Koretz’s office at 818-971-3088 if you have questions.

Posted by Social | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 15-06-2011
Fairgoers of all ages had a splendid time at the Glen Fair! Food, Music, Wines and Beverages, Kiddie Games and the new Teen Zone – all just fabulous. BBQ was so popular – we ran out early! If you had scrip leftover, please come to the Glen Board meeting the LDRCC Monday evening (6/20 – 7:30 pm) and exchange it for a t-shirt! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all participants!
Posted by Social | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 08-06-2011
Apart from all the fun, a fire extinguisher service will be available at a reduced cost – make sure your extinguisher works well! More emergency preparedness information – plus great food, games and entertainment for kids from 2 – 12 +, wines you have never tasted before, and lots of artsy gifts to shop for. See you Sunday! Info: fair@beverlyglen.org
Posted by Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council | Posted in Neighborhood Council | Posted on 04-06-2011
If you haven’t seen the sign at the fire station at Sunset and Beverly Glen, pancake fundraiser tomorrow, 8-11am. Its free and all donations go to help the fire station improvements, with the City’s budget situation, we have to take care of our own hard working firemen and women.
Pancake Breakfast Flyer
If you can’t make it, please consider donating to the following:
PO Box 573
914 Westwood Blvd.
LA, CA 90024
Posted by Social | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 01-06-2011
Great fun right in our own neighborhood! Raise your Fun Level by volunteering at the event for 90 minutes! email fair@beverlyglen.org.
Be sure not to miss the Fair, bring the kids, the grannies. Great wine, an eclectic array of music, good food and terrific people! Free for Members of Residents of Beverly Glen.