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Good morning,
I live at 1665 North Beverly Glen Blvd…lucky me!
Since Sunday May 15, 2011 there have been 4 accidents in front of my home. I wouldn’t even been able to count the amount of accidents that have occurred in front of my home in the last three years.
To date we have been fortunate that no injuries have occurred but that is only a matter of time. Something seriously needs to be done at this part of Beverly Glen. The curve is not only dangerous but commuters are out of their minds and don’t follow common sense traffic rules or etiquette.
I not only speak for my family but the 6 neighbors around me that I have gotten to know as we gather in the middle of the night or early in the morning when each accident occurs.
Thank you for your consideration,
Sharalee Flesche
Hi Sharalee,
Thanks for your comment. The speed on the Glen is a major issue, we have tried and tried to get more enforcement, luckily we have some down by Greendale for commercial enforcement but very tough to get LAPD traffic up here, part of it is they feel the Glen is difficult to enforce in pulling people over (ironic).
However, there is something you and other neighbors can do, RoBG is working with LAPD to have our own Speedwatch program. Under this program, residents get trained by LAPD on use of a radar gun. Then volunteers will be out in locations tracking speed, make, model and license plate. That list then goes to LAPD who will issue a warning to that driver. At the third warning, they get a personal visit!
We have scheduled June 4th for this training and prior to it, all you need to do is fill out a form and go downtown for fingerprinting (takes only 10 minutes). I wll forward your information to our traffic chair, in the meantime, feel free to email
Only by getting residents involved and organized can we make a change and hopefully this effort will let drivers know the Glen is being watched and if we get alot of data, hopefully convince LAPD to do more enforcement up here.