Water Main Break – UPDATE


Posted by ROBGWebsite | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 20-02-2012

As all of you know, water has been restored to our homes and Beverly Glen is open again.  Thank you to the many who submitted updates and information.

Our Councilman’s office was working on this through the weekend and we received updates regularly, we will be working with them to determine when they can come to repair Beverly Glen.

If you get a chance, let our Councilman’s office know how much you appreciate their efforts, 310-289-0353.  Also, let DWP know for those guys were out late.

As follow up, some notes:

  • Be aware of the trench plate on Beverly Glen, drive slowly over it for it can damage your tires,
  • Perhaps a little late but for future reference (from resident Tom P.), flush lines from hose bib or bathtub in situations like this to avoid damaging your valves in sinks and other areas of water supply,
  • Another great example of being prepared, this was just a short time out of water, imagine an earthquake with not water or power for days, BE PREPARED!!!
  • For those interested, some pictures (courtesy of Brad Elterman/BuzzFoto LLC):

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