Traffic Advisory: Beverly Glen Boulevard Expected To Be Repaved In Mid-May 2014


Posted by Traffic | Posted in Traffic | Posted on 12-04-2014

ROBG has recently been notified that the northern section of Beverly Glen Boulevard will be repaved by the Bureau of Street Services Resurfacing Division in mid-May 2014.   To avoid inconvenience to residents and increased traffic congestion in the area, the repaving project is expected to take place over the course of two weekends in May.  The anticipated dates are May 17, 18 and May 24, 25.  The project limits are from Mulholland Drive to Beverly Glen Place and is estimated to cover a distance of 1.63 miles.  The project will start at the top of Beverly Glen Boulevard at Mulholland and will continue south.  This project will require a full street closure but the Bureau will accommodate residents with egress and ingress. The Bureau is expected to post message board signs along Beverly Glen Boulevard to notify the public of the project before it begins.

Comments (4)

The boulevard needs to repaved all the way to Sunset.

The upper portion isn’t that bad. Who is the Bureau trying to satisfy.

Agreed — this is absurd; the north side is fine. But so were all the side roads by Harvard Westlake that all recently got repaved by LA City and most of Brentwood which also just got repaved. For our side streets they embarrassingly poured some new asphalt into a select few potholes and ran off. Uneven, patchy, and inadequate. If you call them (the bureau) on the phone (which we all should) they will say it is not about how wealthy the neighborhood is, but of course if you haven’t noticed they also systematically repaved most of old and new Bel Air roads within the last couple years which comparatively few people ever drive on. The whole thing is shameful. Question: Why does Roscomare and other through routes between Mullholland and Sunset have no through route traffic signs and of course we don’t? The City of LA clearly supports our wealthiest neighbors. Do not forget to get out and vote! We have density (more households per sq/ft) on our side–which means we can make a difference. I strongly suggest we all individually contact our 33rd district congressional leader and voice our frustrations — We had a waterline leak on our ally road for years and years with no hope of it ever getting fixed, but after contacting Henry Waxman — LADWP came out to fix it (thank you Henry!). There is I suspect a “reason” why the Bureu isn’t ready to repave the rest of the Glen, but it can’t be good enough reason.

What about the rest of Beverly glen pass Beverly glen place

The message board is rediculous because it fashes only a part of the message at a time so it’s impossible to read while driving by unless you stop and wait for the entire message to be completed. For moving traffic there should be a message board with all the information on it all the time. In general, there has been inadequate information disseminated about this project.

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