Traffic News, 405 Closure Information


Posted by Traffic | Posted in Emergency Preparedness, Neighborhood Council, Traffic | Posted on 28-06-2011

Hello Neighbors!

If you don’t already know it, the 405 freeway will be closed the weekend of July 15 through July 18, from the 101 freeway to the 10 freeway.  Metro will be demolishing the Mulholland Bridge that weekend (which will of course also be closed!) in the process of improving the 405 freeway.  You can find more information here:

Councilmember Paul Koretz and Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky have encouraged people to avoid the area or stay home that weekend.  Unfortunately for us, we are a thoroughfare that many will use as an alternate when the freeway is closed.  This means that we will be experiencing higher than normal traffic through Beverly Glen that weekend.  Councilmember Koretz assures us that measures have been taken to ensure that public safety services to canyon residents will not be impacted.  You can read an article about LAFD and LAPD’s planning for this weekend here:

You can also call Councilman Koretz’s office at 818-971-3088 if you have questions.

Comments (2)

Here’s a little bit more detail:

On Friday, July 15, 2011, ramps along the 10-mile closure will begin shutting down as early as 7pm and lanes will begin to shut down as early as 10pm, allowing for a full closure by midnight on July 16.

The freeway will reopen by 5am on Monday, July 18, 2011 with all ramps and connectors open by 6am.
The Mulholland Bridge will also be closed during this time. The Mulholland Bridge will reopen by Monday, July 18, 2011 at 6am, with one lane in each direction.

There is an incredibly funny video about the 405 closure at

Thought I’d share. At least it will make you laugh instead of cry after you get out of traffic on those days. Car-mageddon is coming.

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