Annual Holiday Party Sunday December 9th 5pm-7pm


Posted by Social | Posted in Holiday Party | Posted on 01-12-2012

Dear Residents,

It’s that time of year again to celebrate the holidays on Sunday December 9th from 5pm-7pm at the Les and Dorothy River Community Center
at 10409 Scenario Lane.

There will be plenty of time to mingle with friends and neighbors and sample delicious holiday fare. Food donations are welcome for items that are festive for the holidays and the chilly time of year so break out the cookbooks and the family traditions.

Abe from Beverly Glen Market has agreed to provide the non-alcoholic beverages and Beverly Glen Realty will continue its tradition of
the wine tasting table. Joe from the Glen Market will provide a turkey breast, Vinnie and family from Fabrocinis has agreed to provide a lovely pasta dish and Loretta and Barry from the deli will provide a deli platter along with their delicious potato salad.

Tino from Mulholland Grill is unable to donate to our party this year. I encourage all residents to visit his restaurants and show our support
as he has supported us in the past.

I look forward to continuing the traditions established by the Residents of Beverly Glen and following in the footsteps of my predecessor
Elke. If there is anything that anyone would like to suggest your recommendations are welcome; after all it’s your party!

Please feel free to call me at 310-967-9025 or email

Happy Holidays,

Sharalee Flesche, Social Chair


Comments (2)

Hi are there any opportunities for advertisement for a local business ? Actually 2 biz by a local resident and business owner. Stasi’s Skin in the Glen Centre for amazing skin care , waxing, tinting , spray tanning, massage , etc. and
Glam Rocks Events. A child event business featuring glitter tattoos , braiding , nails , hair accessories , etc.
let me know if you have any ideas or opportunities for me.
Stasi Hartwick
Stasi’s Skin
Glam Rocks Events

Hi Stasi,

Our two main ways of local businesses advertising is through our quarterly newsletter that is mailed out to each resident or we have our corporate sponsorship program you can check here, If interested in the Glenite (the newsletter), email Let us know if you don’t get any responses.

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